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I've discovered the secret to streak free car windows

May 25, 2024

CLEANING your car can be a big task if have pesky streaks stuck on the windows, but one TikToker has found the best hack to get rid of just that.

The trick will leave your car door windows looking spotless the next time you go for a drive.

The Buff Detailers (@thebuffdetailers), a car detailing business based out of Perth, Western Australia, recently shared the hack for all of their followers.

“Here’s how to get streak-free car windows,” the TikToker starts out the video.

The trick boils down to using two key things:

Specifically, The Buff Detailers suggest drivers use an alcohol-based aerosol spray on their windows when cleaning.

The brand of the spray does not matter, but make sure it has an alcohol base.

Next, car owners need to wipe the spray with a clean towel.

Using a microfiber towel may give you better results.

When wiping the spray, be sure to get all the corners and any excess cleaning material.

It doesn’t stop there.

The final and most important step is to wipe the window again with a second clean towel, buffing the area you just cleaned.

“Look at the streak-free results!” the TikToker said.

He detailed in the comment section that while the product drivers use is important, having two towels is key for this hack to work.

“One to wipe and other to buff and wipe excess. Trust me,” he wrote.

This trick can work for streaks on the outside and inside of your vehicle.

If you plan on using the hack to remove your car window streaks, be sure to do it before getting in and starting your vehicle.

Removing streaks from your dashboard and side car windows will help create a clearer vision of the road and prevent dangerous driving.

The Buff Detailers regularly car cleaning tips and tricks on their social media account for their more than 19,300 followers.

They have accumulated over 120,700 likes on the platform.